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Awards Terms & Conditions

By making an online booking, or submitting a booking form to East Riding College & Scarborough TEC, you accept the following Terms and Conditions:

• All arrangements for the ceremonies are subject to change or cancellation in the event of government restrictions or any other unforeseen circumstance.

• If you wish to attend your Awards Ceremony you are required to register in advance. Your attendance at the ceremony is free of charge. You will need to book and pay for academic dress and photography with William Northam & Co. after you have been allocated your ceremony. You will receive confirmation of registration by email, normally within 24 hours.

• To submit your reply by 4.30pm on the 6th September 2024. Beyond that time and date, no further applications can be made or changes made to existing applications.

• We do not accept any responsibility for registrations or guest ticket reservations that we do not receive on or before 4.30pm on the 6th September 2024, whether lost, delayed, corrupted or otherwise, and whether or not due to any technical difficulties or malfunctions.

• Each graduand will be entitled to two (2) guest tickets at a cost of £10 each, which you can purchase when you book your place. Extra tickets, if available, will be allocated on a first-come, first-served basis and will not be available until 24th September 2024 through the main booking website: heawards.eastridingcollege.ac.uk. Graduands’ tickets and guest tickets are not transferable to another ceremony, or to another graduand.

• Tickets will be collected on the day from the Ticket Collection desk at St Mary’s Walk campus. Please ensure you bring your order confirmation with you.

• We cannot guarantee availability of extra guest tickets, therefore we urge you NOT to make arrangements for your family members and friends until you have had confirmation of your tickets and received confirmation from us. We are not responsible for guests you may have with you who do not have a ticket.

• If you change your address after submitting your booking, it is your responsibility to contact the Marketing team and the Student Records team with the new details via heawards@eastridingcollege.ac.uk. This will ensure tickets and certificates arrive at the correct address.

• Guests will NOT be admitted into the ceremony hall without a ticket.

• To arrive at the venue sufficiently in advance of the ceremony start time; to be gowned and undertake photography no later than 10.30am and registered and seated by 10.45am.

• Children under two (2) may sit on an adult guest’s lap without a ticket. Children over two (2) years old must have their own seat and will classify as one of your allocated tickets and must be accompanied by an adult. Children and minors who attend as guests are your responsibility. If they are not accompanied by a suitable adult guest you will be asked to leave so that you can care for them. Please note that children and other guests do not sit with graduands during the ceremony.

• If you arrive late, there is a strong possibility that you may miss your ceremony.

• It is compulsory for all graduands to dress appropriately, this includes academic dress. No sportswear, jeans or trainers. We reserve the right to refuse entry to those not dressed according to our terms and conditions.

• No food or beverages are to be consumed in the ceremony hall.

• If you are not successful in your final exams and do not gain sufficient credits for your award then the invitation to graduate will be withdrawn. If you are permitted to resit any final exams, or if you choose to appeal the final outcome, you will be invited to a later ceremony provided the outcome results in successful award.

• To notify the marketing team by email if you need to cancel your place, or any of your guest ticket(s).

• You are required to hire your academic dress before the deadline of 21 working days prior to the ceremony. Academic dress is compulsory and smart dress under academic robes is requested. East Riding College & Scarborough TEC reserve the right to refuse admission to those students who do not comply with these requirements.

• To enable East Riding College & Scarborough TEC to ensure that students and guests are able to participate fully in ceremonies, any special access requirements must be made known to the Marketing team in advance.

• If for reasons beyond the control of the Student Records team your award has not been agreed by an assessment board by 4th September 2024 the invitation to attend your award ceremony will be withdrawn (please see the casus fortuitus statement below).

• Any gowning or photography requirements after the ceremony will take place at St Mary’s Walk campus.

• To agree to the taking of still images or video for publicity purposes, and to the publication of individual’s names and awards in the awards programme.

• Graduands who attend the Higher Education Awards Ceremony give their consent to the recording and transmission of their images (still and moving) and those of their guests for TEC Partnership publicity purposes.

• Important – We take the safety of our staff seriously. Anybody who threatens TEC Partnership staff with verbal or physical aggression prior to the day or on the day will not be admitted into the hall and may be evicted from the building.

• Data Protection Act – Please note that unless we are notified in time, the names of all graduates will appear in the printed programme for the ceremony. If you are a graduate and do not wish for your name to appear in the programme, you should email the Marketing team.

Failure to comply with any of the above terms and conditions will result in the student losing their place at the ceremony.

Casus fortuitus
If the graduation ceremonies cannot take place or are delayed due to circumstances beyond the control of the TEC Partnership, including (without limitation) fire, explosion, terrorist act (or threat of terrorist act), act of God, pandemic, or as a result of any industrial action or dispute involving the TEC Partnership, or the venue at which the ceremonies are due to be held, the TEC Partnership will not be liable for any losses direct, or otherwise, incurred by students or their guests. The TEC Partnership will, where at all possible, make alternative arrangements for any students affected, but students and their guests should ensure that they have sufficient insurance protection to cover any losses they might suffer as a result of a ceremony being cancelled or delayed.